This is the second semester of a rigorous introduction to measure-theoretic probability for graduate students. I will assume as a prerequisite that you took Probability Theory I (EN.553.720) in Fall 2024 and are comfortable with that material. You are welcome to attend or enroll if you did not, but you will be responsible for working through any material from there that you are not familiar with.
The main goal of this course is to continue to familiarize you with the essential examples of classical probability theory. We will develop a deep understanding of simple random walks, the most foundational such examples. We will also study their generalizations to have dependent steps (martingales), general domains (Markov chains), and continuous paths (Brownian motion). Along the way, we will learn how to formulate and prove probabilistic statements like convergence results, distributional limit theorems, and concentration inequalities, and will introduce many examples of random structures from different areas of mathematics.
The following is a tentative ordered list of the broad topics we will aim to cover:
Contact information for the instructor of this course (me) and the teaching assistants is below. The best way to contact us is by email. We will decide on a time for office hours in the first week or two of class; in the meantime, please contact us directly to schedule an appointment if you want.
Role | Name | Office Hours | |
Instructor | Tim Kunisky | kunisky [at] | 3-4pm, Thursdays |
TA 1 | Debsurya De | dde4 [at] | 4:30-5:30pm, Tuesdays |
TA 2 | Yufei Zhan | yzhan11 [at] | 3-4pm, Fridays (Wyman S425) |
Class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays, 1:30pm to 2:45pm in Hodson 211.
Below is a tentative schedule, to be updated as the semester progresses.
Date | Details |
Week 1 | |
Jan 22 | General introduction and logistics. Review of ending of Probability Theory I: law of large numbers, characteristic functions, and sketch of Lyapunov's proof of Central Limit Theorem (CLT). [Notes] |
Week 2 | |
Jan 27 | Review of weak convergence and convergence in distribution. Lindeberg's exchange principle and alternate proof of the CLT. Berry-Esseen quantitative CLT.
Jan 29 | Brief discussion of further applications of Lindeberg exchange principle. Lindeberg CLT and Bernoulli examples. Rare events and sparse sums of independent random variables: Poisson limit theorem and informal introduction to Poisson point process.
Week 3 | |
Feb 3 | Preliminary discussion of nuances of continuous time processes. Revisiting Poisson point process and convergence of Bernoulli process more formally.
Feb 5 | Poisson process finite distributions and convergence theorem. Exponential spacings of arrival times. Appearance in extreme value theory. Conditional expectation: brief introduction.
Week 4 | |
Feb 10 | Conditional expectation: definition, examples, existence theorem, main properties.
Feb 12 | Finish up properties of conditional expectation. Filtrations and martingales: motivation, definitions, examples. Martingale transform. The martingale gambling strategy. [Notes] |
Week 5 | |
Feb 17 | (Recorded lecture) Hoeffding concentration inequality for independent sums. Subgaussian random variables. Azuma-Hoeffding inequality for martingales. Bounded differences inequality for nonlinear concentration. Coupon collector / balls-and-bins problem example. [Video] [Blackboard] [Notes] |
Feb 19 | (Recorded lecture) Stopping times. Doob's optional stopping theorem. Application to distribution of exit time and exit location in simple random walk. [Video] [Blackboard] Note: I kept accidentally saying "optimal stopping theorem" in this recording. The result, as I correctly wrote on the board, is actually called the "optional stopping theorem." |
Week 6 | |
Feb 24 | Martingale maximal inequalities and convergence theorems. |
Feb 26 | More applications of martingales. Simple random walk hitting time. Ballot theorem. Branching processes. Hewitt-Savage 0/1 law. |
I will post handwritten lecture notes shortly after each of our meetings. I will lecture on the blackboard, so you are encouraged to come to all classes if you want to make sure you are following the material in detail. We will mostly follow a combination of the following books:
Especially later in the course, we will touch on some rather technical issues about constructions and convergence of continuous-time stochastic processes, for which these might be useful further references:
Grades will be based on written homework assignments (roughly every two weeks) and a take-home final exam.
Homework is posted below, and is to be submitted through Gradescope. Further details will be provided when the first assignment is due. Two important points about homework:
Assignment | Assigned | Due | Link |
Homework 1 | Jan 29 | Feb 10 | Link |
Homework 2 | Feb 14 | Feb 28 | Link |